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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 How Adorable

Nobody knew how Seth and Daphne met. They had gotten married two years ago and Seth moved into

the Alvarez Manor afterward.

Josephine was slightly afraid of him. She took a step back and gestured, “Is anything wrong?”

Seth smiled faintly. “I’m not sure. After you, Josephine.”

Even though he held out his hand respectfully, his smile betrayed his emotions, and his gaze was

rather aggressive.

Josephine remembered the day she bumped into Nancy at the hospital, and her heart skipped a beat.

Could it be?

Seth was looking at her, ready to stand the whole night if she refused to leave.


“I don’t feel too well today, can I go tomorrow?” Josephine signed.

Seth shook his head lightly. “You should just come with me. If Nancy were to come herself, she won’t

be as polite as I am.”

Josephine gripped her phone tightly. Although she didn’t know the reason Nancy wanted to see her,

she had a bad feeling about it. It may have had something to do with her encounter with Nancy at the

hospital, even though she had thought Nancy didn’t notice her. “Please wait awhile, I’d like to get


With his smile still on his face, Seth nodded.

Josephine went upstairs and took out her phone. She opened up her chatbox with Lewis on Whatsapp

and typed out a long paragraph. Just as she was about to hit send, she hesitated. If the outcome was

already decided and Lewis had agreed to Nancy’s ways, then what purpose would sending this

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message serve? It would just add on to her heartache.

In the end, she deleted everything and only sent, “Mrs. Alvarez has asked for me.”

The reason she moved out in the first place was that her life was difficult there, and Nancy felt repulsive

seeing her as well. If Lewis read her message, he should understand that nothing good will come out of

Josephine meeting Nancy. If he cared …he would come.

The message elicited no response. Josephine waited for a few minutes before exiting the chat.

Inadvertently, she saw a familiar status update icon and tapped into it, regretting her

decision immediately. It was Sierra’s status update. It showed a delicate gift box with a beautiful

bracelet lying inside. It turned out to be Sierra’s birthday today, and he had gone to celebrate it with her.

Josephine’s hands fell beside her, and she turned desolate.

Downstairs, Seth could be heard calling out, “Josephine, are you ready?”

Josephine lingered for a moment before walking out of the room. Seth was still waiting by the door. His

car was parked outside, and as Josephine walked out of the mansion, he politely held out his hand,

inviting her to get in. Josephine stared at the car door, her gaze shifting. In the end, she still got in.

Her only hope was to pray to God that Nancy wanted to see her for something else.

It was quiet in the car. Seth was focused on driving, and Josephine was staring at her phone with her

head lowered. Neither Lewis nor Avery were sending her any messages. The only messages she

received were two spam notifications.

“Is Lewis working overtime?” Seth suddenly asked. It was just a casual question, so he was not

expecting a reply.

With her gaze lowered, Josephine kept refreshing her social media page. Sierra had made consecutive

updates-a candlelight dinner, a delicate present, fingers interlocked.

Those long, bony fingers were interlocked with hers just last night, but they were now in another

woman’s hand. The pictures were like a slap on her face. While it burned, her lips curled into a bitter


Soon, they arrived at Alvarez Manor.

Josephine got out of the car and followed Seth to the living room. Seeing that Seth was back, Daphne,

who was by the door, immediately went forward and clung to his arm. “What took you so long?”

“There was a traffic jam.”

Daphne glanced at Josephine behind him. If it wasn’t for Nancy, she wouldn’t have allowed Seth to pick

Josephine up. To Daphne, even though she couldn’t speak, that damned mute’s gaze was like a fishing

line for men that never missed. Every time she saw those eyes, she just wanted to gouge them out!

“Go on in; Mom is waiting.”

Daphne went inside, still holding on to Seth. After a few steps, she looked back at Josephine. “What

are you standing there for? Come in!”

It was drizzling outside, and Josephine’s head was covered in jewel-like raindrops. When she arrived in

the living room, Nancy was carrying her grandson, putting him to sleep gently. Josephine stood beside

Nancy, looking at the baby in her arms. He was chubby and fair and was giving Josephine a big smile

while making baby noises.

Josephine stood there, amazed. It was the first time she had seen a baby up close. She didn’t know

they were that adorable. Her hand subconsciously went to her belly as she wondered if her baby would

turn out adorable like him.

The baby reached out as if wanting to grab onto Josephine. Looking at his chubby hand, Josephine

unthinkingly reached out, but before she could touch him, Daphne pushed her away.

“Have you washed your hands? We don’t want your bacteria on Bambam now, do we?

Although Daphne was smiling, she had pushed Josephine so hard that she staggered back two steps,

almost falling to the floor. It was only by grabbing onto the sofa that Josephine was able to steady


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It was only after Nancy passed the baby to Daphne that she stood up and gave Josephine the once-

over, losing her gentle expression. Her gaze was as sharp as a knife until it finally landed on

Josephine’s belly. “Mrs. Harrold.”

Mrs. Harrold, who was already waiting on the side, brought two maids with her and politely said,

“Young madam, Mrs. Alvarez would like you to get checked out. Please follow us.”

Josephine’s head shot up, meeting Nancy’s frosty gaze. She gaped, unconsciously taking a step back,

with fear and panic written on her face. Her heart sank. It was as she expected; the heavens were not

on her side.

Nancy scoffed. “What? Did you think we wouldn’t find out if you hid it from us? I’ve told you from the

start, not to have such wishful thinking, but you just wouldn’t listen! Since you want to suffer, don’t

blame us.”

Josephine shook her head, gesturing in desperation. Nancy shifted her gaze away from her and said,

“Mrs. Harrold, take her away.”

The two maids went forward and grabbed Josephine by her arms, dragging her out the door.

Josephine desperately held onto the door frame in a death grip. Looking into the house, she saw

Nancy carrying her grandson again. Daphne had a sneer plastered on her face, just like the times she

got away with bullying her. Seth looked at her unmoved, his expression betraying no emotion. Every

cold, ruthless expression of

theirs was hideously terrifying. Even a baby in Nancy’s arms wasn’t able to evoke any kind of pity

within her.

The baby that was inside of her was a life as well.

Mrs. Harrold pried open her hands that were on the door frame and pulled her away. The mansion

remained peaceful as if Josephine had never stepped foot in it.

Unexpectedly, Bambam started crying in Nancy’s arms, his loud cries echoing through the living room.

Josephine could hear him, every cry cutting through her soul as raindrops splashed on her face. There

was a brief moment when she thought she was hearing the mournful cries of her own child.