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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 She Didn’t Deserve a Good Ending

Josephine flagged down a cab and headed toward Alvarez Manor without waiting for Lewis.

Elysium was shroudWhat Separates Me and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 51What Separates Me

and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 51What Separates Me and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 51ed in

smog as a light drizzle rained down from the sky that evening, resulting in the buildings looking blurry

from a distance.

After reaching her destination, Josephine walked into the manor with a bag of fruits that she had.

bought from a random stall.

No matter what Josephine bought, Nancy would end up hating it.

Alvarez Manor was bustling with life and joy at that time. Countless cars were parked right outside the

main entrance and inside the courtyard

Robert and his former wife had a daughter named Lily Alvarez. She had gotten married into another

family through an arranged marriage a long time ago. Hence, she, along with her husband

and two children, attended the event merrily.

Meanwhile, Lewis and Daphne were related by blood. Nancy was their mother.

Robert had an illegitimate son, who was the youngest among all Alvarez siblings. Apparently, the birth

mother died from amniotic fluid embolism while giving birth to the baby. Since then, Robert

took him in as a member of the Alvarez family.

Robert had an illegitimate son, who was the youngest among all the Alvarez siblings. Apparently, the

birth mother died from an amniotic fluid embolism while giving birth to the baby. Since then, Robert has

taken him in as a member of the Alvarez family.

The moment Josephine entered the grounds, she could hear peals of children’s laughter.

Their joyful giggles attacked her like a swarm of invisible bees, stinging her heart and leaving behind

nothing but dull throbs of pain.

Josephine stood under her umbrella in the courtyard as she watched two children rush in her direction.

A child who seemed to be seven years old ended up bumping into her leg.

Josephine stumbled a little and almost fell down as a result.

“The mute is here! She’s here!” The boy started running circles around Josephine while crowing.

about her identity as a mute.

He dug into her mental scar mercilessly in such an angelic and adorable voice while donning an

innocent and naïve facade. It was as if he had no idea that the words he spoke could easily harm


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Josephine tuned him out easily while making her way toward the living room of the manor.

However, the boy rushed toward her and tried to yank the bag from her hands. Josephine’s grip

tightened around the bag without any intention to release it.

“Give it to me!” The boy raised his head to glare at Josephine angrily. The latter just stared down at him

calmly, still refusing to let go.

The moment she entered the manor, she could feel the malice soaking into the atmosphere, which also

brought out an underlying resentment that had been growing within her heart.

Josephine clutched the bag stubbornly, not knowing if pain or resentment were the main emotions

clogging her heart at the moment

“How can the Alvarez family lead such happy lives? Must my children die at the hands of this

despicable family due to the fact that I’m mute? Is it because of my disability that I must be branded as

a sinner? Do I not deserve a happy ending at all?” she thought resentfully

Meanwhile, the boy was furious because of Josephine’s stubbornness. He yanked the bag with gritted

teeth, but to no avail In the end, he even started raising his leg just to kick Josephine.

To defend herself from the boy’s attacks, Josephine released her hold on the bag while avoiding the

kick Now that the boy lost the constant beam of support that held him up during the struggle, he ended

up crashing on his butt due to the momentum. The fruits that were in the bag were scattered

everywhere and were all coated in filthy tud

As the pain started to set in from the fall, the boy sat on the damp ground while wailing his lungs


Of course, his loud cries attracted the people who had been hanging out in the living room.

Lily rushed up to the boy and helped him up before patting the dirt from his clothes. “Caleb, are you


As Caleb Alvarez sobbed, he pointed at Josephine and started wailing to his mother about what

happened in an aggrieved manner.

Everyone turned their accusatory gazes at Josephine. They made her seem like she was an

atrocious sinner.

She could only grip her umbrella tightly to the point that her knuckles whitened.

Daphne decided to break the tension by half–joking about the situation. “Josephine, you’re already an

adult, so why are you still bullying kids?”

Lily was a lot older than Josephine, seeing as she was already 35 years old this year. However, she

maintained herself well, so she still looked like she was in her late 20s.

She muttered, “How rude.” However, her voice was very soft, so the words were drowned out by

Caleb’s loud cries.

“Forget about that. Did Caleb get hurt?” Nancy butted in. “What’s the use of saying all those things to a

mute? Get him into the manor first; it’s still raining, after all.”

Since Caleb wasn’t blood–related to Nancy, she could care less about his condition.

Lily scooped the crying boy into her arms before shooting Josephine a glare and turning on her

heel to enter the manor.

It was still drizzling outside, so everyone quickly returned to the manor.

Poor Josephine remained standing in the same spot while watching the Alvarez family enter the


Meanwhile, Seth bent down to pick up the bag. Then he gathered all the fruits and placed them in the

bag before approaching Josephine.

“Josephine, the fruits are all bruised from the fall. Do you still want them?”

Chapte 51 156n Distot Deseive a Good Ending

Josephine turned her gaze to the man next to him, soon noticing the perfect smile that was sewn

across his face. It wasn’t a smile that made her feel comfortable in the man’s presence, but at the same

time, it wasn’t a cold and distant smile either.

Seth’s smile was like a mask that covered his face. No one could see what his actual expression

was under that smile.

Josephine took the bag of fruits from Seth’s hands while nodding at him to indicate her gratitude.

When she was grabbing the bag, her fingers accidentally brushed against his hand. Seth folded his

hands behind his back after the exchange while caressing the same spot over and over again as

though he were remembering her touch.

Josephine raised her head and noticed the hint of joy sparkling in Seth’s eyes, she pursed her lips. at

this sight.

A moment later, she picked out a beautiful apple and handed it to him.

Seth raised an eyebrow in return. “Is this for me?”

The woman nodded quietly.

He laughed and extended a hand to accept the apple. “Thanks, Josephine.”

Josephine looked down at her feet while tightening her grip on the bag of fruits.

After that, Seth spoke up. “Let’s go in. Dad is waiting for us.”

He took the lead, so Josephine followed him obediently.

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When Daphne noticed the duo entering the manor, her expression instantly darkened. However, at

radiant smile quickly replaced it the next moment.

“Seth, I think Bambam soiled his diapers again. Can you be a dear and change his diapers for him?

“Daphne picked up the baby from the stroller and handed him to Seth.

“Okay. I’ll take a look at his diapers.” Seth cradled the baby carefully while maintaining the perfect smile

on his face.

After he headed upstairs, Robert eyed Josephine up and down before asking, “Where’s Lewis? Why

didn’t he come with you?”

The latter shook her head before gesturing to the older man. “I don’t know. Perhaps he’s still busy.”

Robert had a grim look on his face as he turned to ask Daphne, “Didn’t you inform him in advance,


Daphne quickly replied, “I already sent him a text message this afternoon. Who knows what he could

be doing at this time?”

Lewis could be spending New Year’s Eve with his actual lover. Even though Daphne never voiced that

thought, everyone knew perfectly well what was going on.

“That damned son of mine! Call him right now.” Robert’s cold tone was coated with frustration.

While everyone waited for the phone call to go through, an orange was suddenly pelted in Josephine’s

direction and bounced off her body. The woman looked up to see Caleb making faces

at her

Robert clearly noticed the little boy’s antics as well, seeing as he directed his gaze at him. The older

man’s stern look frightened Caleb so much that he quickly dived into Lily’s arms.

“Lily, you should discipline your child properly! Clearly, he has no manners!”

The aforementioned woman’s expression went pale as she tried to explain herself. “Dad, Caleb’s still

young. I’ll drill the manners into him slowly as he grows.”

“He’s already seven years old, yet you still think of him as young? When Lewis was his age, he could

pass advanced foreign language exams with flying colors. What about your son, hmm?”

The corner of Lily’s mouth twitched discreetly while she felt frustration starting to take over.

She had no idea if Robert was gloating about Lewis‘ childhood achievements or stubbornly claiming

that every child in this world was supposed to be as outstanding as Lewis.

Nancy couldn’t help but smile smugly as well. However, the thought of her outstanding son being with a

mute like Josephine pissed her off.

At that time, she turned to look at Josephine before murmuring, “Why are you still standing here like an

idiot? Go and help out the chef with dinner preparations.”

It just so happened that Lewis answered the call at that moment, so he ended up overhearing Nancy’s

order clearly.