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When Love Becomes a Cage by Nora

Chapter 193 book 1
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Chapter 193 By the tMerritt banged the gavel, it was decided: York and I would exercise Clyde's authority, while Fenton was off to the marketing department to start as an assistant manager.

After everyone had dispersed, Fenton lingered behind.

"Hey Melanie, what's the real deal with Clyde? My mom barely mentioned anything and left it all hanging." "There's a bunch of neuro specialists over at the medical school next door. I can ask his buddy to hook us up with a consult." He looked genuinely concerned, showing no signs of any ulterior motives.

Seeing him still dressed in out-of-season clothes, I figured he must've rushed back here.

"Your brother's surgery went well. We just have to wait for him to wake up. We've got specialists on the case too, so no worries." "Really, no worries?" Out of nowhere, Vinson Russell showed up, sporting a pair of dark under-eye circles.

I was taken aback for a moment when I saw him.

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"Dude, have you not slept at all?" He just waved it off, "Man, with Clyde being the big bro..." He stopped, sensing the connection between the person besideand the Patterson family and chose not to continue.

But I got it. During Clyde and my absence, York must've been up to his usual mischief.

Vinson, trying to keep the project on track, must've been butting heads with him daily, hence the lack of sleep. "How's Clyde doing?" Vinson glanced towards Clyde in the hospital room, then back at me.

I shook my head, replying, "Everything seems fine, except he won't wake up. Not sure if it's a nerve issue." The memory of Clyde savingthat day made my heart ache.

Vinson opened his mouth to say something but ended up just offering a few words of comfort.

Fenton, tactfully realizing we had more to discuss, excused himself first.

Vinson, deep in thought, asked, "A Patterson?" "Yeah, Eaton's son. How could you tell?" I thought Fenton didn't resemble York or Clyde much; he was more refined.

Vinson shook his head, "He has that unique Patterson vibe, somewhat like York." I glanced at Fenton's retreating figure, not seeing the resemblance.

Vinson didn't dwell on it, quickly moving on to talk about the company's project.

As expected, York had been meddling with the bridge project, even trying to sneak his people in.

Fortunately, Vinson and Jade had been holding the line, keeping the project on track.

"With Clyde out and your condition... York's bound to make a move. Can you handle it?" "I have to." "This company is what it is today because of Clyde's efforts. I won't let his hard work be for nothing Through the glass, I saw Clyde's frail body and felt a pang in my heart.

No matter how much of that nutrient stuff they gave him, it just wasn't the as real food. I kept wondering I he'd wake up.

"You need to look after yourself too. How have you been holding up?" Vinson was asking about my well-being, but I just shook my head.

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"I'm fine. All that matters is Clyde waking up."

Warren had warnedabout the severe effects of radiation on myn was's health, but was still standing.

I had even planned to take a leave of absence once Clyde woke Co Clyde, woke upp m confident a recover. That night, I lay down on the sofa next to Clyde's hospital bed.

The VIP room was a blessing; the sofa was almost too comfortable.

Looking at Clyde's peaceful face, I drifted into a daze. He rarely fell int and bremembered staying up all night when he once had a But he was up and about the next day, playfully scolding me.

Taking care of him had wornout, and I ended up catching a fever the following day. I gently took Clyde's hand.

"Clyde, please wake up soon, okay?" Ashburn > X