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Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 257 Eavesdroppers?
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"Nope," Jingwei said cheerfully, laying on his side as he propped his head up with an arm, admiring the sexy curve of Xue Ning's ass as she stomped around the area. "But I don't see a need to clean up, do you?"

"I do!" Xue Ning disagreed vehemently, looking around for something she could use to wipe that smug smirk (along with her juices) off Jingwei's face. Sadly there was nothing she could use, maybe except for Jingwei's own shirt. With no other options, she just had to make do.

She stormed over to him, and Jingwei was delighted, eagerly reaching out for her to continue where they left off. He was always hungry. His dick twitched at the proceedings. It was painfully hard now, and it demanded attention.

"Oh ho ho, someone is eager!" Jingwei said, waggling his eyebrows saucily as Xue Ning grabbed at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up. He was ready to let her rip off his shirt and have her wicked way with him, but instead she merely pulled up his shirt to use as a makeshift napkin so she could scrub his face clean.

"Xue Ning!" He complained as she finally let him go, his face now free of her juices. "Are you wiping me clean because you want to sit on me again? Because that's the only excuse I'll accept!"

"No, calm your pants down," Xue Ning said flatly, her face red. "We could have been seen just now!" Her last words were spoken in a harsh whisper, as Xue Ning took a quick look around, craning her head to see if any humans were in the vicinity, her heart racing for a completely different reason.

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The experience was heavenly, but now that the fog of lust had lifted, her brain was now screaming at her for her unwise decision. She was in public! Admittedly a deserted spot in a trail no one went to, but still! Public! But what if someone had seen and taken videos?!

"There's no one here though," Jingwei said, shrugging cavalierly. "And we won't be staying here for it to matter anyway."

"How can you say that?" Xue Ning stared at him, upset. "If someone sees, and gets evidence, and brings it to town… my parents, my entire family would end up in a scandal! And if they posted it online…"

Jingwei paused. "If something like that happens, I'll destroy the person responsible." He said darkly. No one could be allowed to feast their eyes on Xue Ning in such an intimate setting. He would gouge out the eyes of anyone who tried.

"If someone had taken video, it'll be too late."

"Thankfully this area is deserted," a new voice said, and Jingwei and Xue Ning both lurched to attention, equal looks of horror painted on both their faces. Thankfully, the person that came into view wasn't a random gossipy townsperson, it was Ming Guang!

"Ming Guang!" Xue Ning exclaimed. She had never been so glad to see him before! His face was slightly red, but that could be attributed to the hot afternoon sun.

"Were you here all along? Wait… how much did you hear?" She continued to ask, her own face turning redder at the thought of him eavesdropping on the proceedings. She had sounded so lewd and wanton with her moans and mewls, and the thought of a stranger hearing all the dirty words Jingwei spouted at her made her want to die!

"Enough," Ming Guang said with a polite cough, averting his eyes. He had gotten an earful and his mind could easily provide the mental images, but he had enough experience to tune out most things and focus on securing the area.

"But at least you can be sure that there was no one else in this area while the both of you…" Ming Guang thought of how best to phrase it politely, his eyebrows furrowing. Xue Ning held out her hand to stop him, her face flushed even as relief coursed through her like an unblocked river.

"Ah, it's okay, you don't have to say anything more," she assured him. "Thank you for keeping watch."

Ming Guang only nodded.

"Ming Guang? Did something happen?" Jingwei asked curiously, getting up. His boner had deflated with Ming Guang's sudden appearance. "You usually won't look for me unless something bad has happened."

"Well, I wouldn't need to if you keep running away from me," Ming Guang retorted tartly, before taking a deep breath to regain his calm. His next words were spoken more evenly. "I've noticed someone that seems to be watching over the house. I got Wei Yan to secure the area first, and I've come to get you both to return."

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"What! Oh my god!

"We have to go back now!"

Xue Ning couldn't help worrying as the three of them made their way back. What if these were thugs trying to score a second hit against her family, and she wasn't there to help them because she was getting fucked by Jingwei's mouth? Her priorities were so messed up! If something happened to them because of this, she would never forgive herself.

They rushed home, and thankfully the house still looked intact. Wei Yan was standing next to a woman who was twiddling her thumbs, looking hopefully at them - no wait, she was just looking hopefully at Jingwei!

"I've found the person watching us," Wei Yan said, with no small amount of amusement. He pointed at her. "It's just a false alarm everyone."

"That's good," Xue Ning said, even as she frowned. This girl looked familiar - was she one of her old schoolmates? But she didn't recall anyone with such a big chest… More importantly, what was she doing here?

"Why did you bring her here?" Ming Guang demanded, recognizing the girl that they saved from last night. He glared at Wei Yan. Even if she wasn't a threat, no one in their right mind would bring her to the house!

Jingwei also scowled. Wei Yan was clearly causing trouble on purpose, now that his plan to get with Xue Ning failed the first time!