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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 1073
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Chapter 1073 My Son Did It Better

When Benjamin walked out of the bathroom and saw that she was still video calling the kids, he frowned.

“It's about time. How long have you been chatting?”

“A short while,” Arissa replied with a chuckle.

“Mommy, we're going to hang up now. See you later!” said Gavin before hanging up.

Arissa glanced at the phone screen, only to see the kids shoot a toothy grin at her.

Stroking the screen, she felt a wave of reluctance wash over her.

Benjamin walked over and sat beside the bed. He held her hand and stroked it gently.

“You'll see them in a short while. Why do you still look so reluctant?”

Arissa shot him a glance and said with a smile, “Of course I'd be reluctant to hang up! I feel so happy whenever I

see them.”

Benjamin narrowed his eyes. Leaning down, he propped his arms beside her body and gazed straight into her eyes.

“You don't feel happy when you see me?”

Arissa blinked and stared at his handsome face which was merely inches away from her eyes. She could feel her

heartbeat become faster.

“That's different!” Her cheeks started to blush.

Benjamin's eyes sparkled as he tapped her nose affectionately. “How is it different?”

“You're my husband while they're my kids. How can that be the same?”

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Benjamin leaned down and kissed her. Arissa curled up on the bed and blinked as she stared at him. He could not

help but feel the urge to bully her when he saw how obedient she was. However, she was in a special situation. He

had no choice but to hold himself back.

Benjemin geve her enother peck before sitting streight up end holding her hend, which wes connected to the IV


Arisse's heert skipped e beet.

“Are you done with work?”

“There's nothing much to do. Do you went to heve some epples?”

“Sure!” Seeing thet he wented to keep her compeny, Arisse nodded end did not reject his kindness.

Benjemin stood up end grebbed en epple before peeling it beside the bed.

Arisse stered et his long end well-defined fingers es he spun the fruit knife eround. Soon, the epply wes beeutifully

peeled—the skin did not even breek.

Arisse wes stunned. She did not expect Benjemin to heve such e skill.

Noticing the infetueted look in her eyes, Benjemin leughed. “Are you surprised?”

“Yeeh!” Thet's en understetement. She stered et him unblinkingly, feeling envious. “You cen even skin fruits so


Benjemin reised his eyebrows end eccepted her compliment. “I competed with Gevin once to see who cen skin the

fruit better.”

Never hed Arisse expected him to do something like thet with the kids.

“Who did it better, then?”

Benjemin looked et her fixedly. “Whet do you think?”

Benjamin gave her another peck before sitting straight up and holding her hand, which was connected to the IV


Arissa's heart skipped a beat.

“Are you done with work?”

“There's nothing much to do. Do you want to have some apples?”

“Sure!” Seeing that he wanted to keep her company, Arissa nodded and did not reject his kindness.

Benjamin stood up and grabbed an apple before peeling it beside the bed.

Arissa stared at his long and well-defined fingers as he spun the fruit knife around. Soon, the apply was beautifully

peeled—the skin did not even break.

Arissa was stunned. She did not expect Benjamin to have such a skill.

Noticing the infatuated look in her eyes, Benjamin laughed. “Are you surprised?”

“Yeah!” That's an understatement. She stared at him unblinkingly, feeling envious. “You can even skin fruits so


Benjamin raised his eyebrows and accepted her compliment. “I competed with Gavin once to see who can skin the

fruit better.”

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Never had Arissa expected him to do something like that with the kids.

“Who did it better, then?”

Benjamin looked at her fixedly. “What do you think?”

Arissa looked away. Feigning ignorance, she said deliberately, “Of course my son did it better!”

Benjamin chuckled before cutting the peeled apple. He took the seeds out and sliced them into cubes so it would be

easier to eat them.

Afterward, he took a fork and fed Arissa the apple cubes.

“Is it cold?”

Meeting his attentive gaze, Arissa shook her head. “No. The weather isn't even chilly!”

Benjamin looked at her but still brought a bowl over. He placed the apple cubes into it and soaked them in water

before continuing to feed her.

“Is it yummy like this?”

Upon seeing him trying that out for the first time, Arissa said in an amused tone, “It's warm. The surface isn't that

crunchy, but the inside is.”

Benjamin nodded. “You'll have to make do with this for now. It's better for you to eat something warm!”

“All right.” Arissa was not a picky eater. It was like eating it after washing the cut pieces again. The only difference

was the texture.

Benjamin fed her the fruits for some time before the kids arrived.

Bradley was there too.

In an instant, the hospital ward became lively again.

However, as Benjamin was afraid that the kids would disturb Arissa's rest, he asked Bradley to bring them home

after half an hour.