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You More than Anything in the World (Arissa)

Chapter 802
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Chapter 802

Unable to help herself, Arissa buried her face under the blanket as she sought to suppress her mounting hysterics.

The brows of the hapless Benjamin creased up ever so tautly at the sight of how vigorously her shoulders were


“That was a long time ago, so I wouldn't even know what that girl looks like now. Does that still bother you?”

Under the impression that she was upset, he nervously tried to comfort her.

“There, there.”

Benjamin stroked her head.

When Arissa poked her head out, her eyes were shining with amusement.

The stunned expression that flashed across Benjamin's suave face was immediately supplanted by a discomfited


To think that while I thought she was sad, this woman was actually laughing at me!

Chuckling, Arissa then said in a soft voice, “Did you mistake a childhood crush for love?”

Benjamin glared at her before he turned over to lie down.

Sensing the man's mild annoyance, she tried hard to restrain herself.

The notion of Benjamin's first love occurring when he was so little came to her as a massive surprise.

A loving feeling roused within her as she approached and wrapped her hands around the man's arm.

“I really didn't mean to laugh at you, so don't be mad. I was just...”

“Go ahead and laugh if you want to!” Benjamin growled.

Unable to contain herself, Arissa burst into a guffaw once more. “I'm so sorry!”

Stealing a glance at the way Benjamin pursed his lips had her again tickled.

“Haven't you seen each other again after you both grew up?”

Benjamin's eyes darkened, albeit briefly. “She hasn't returned to Dellmoor after she left.”

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It occurred to Arissa that he still cared a lot for that girl. “Have you tried to find her?”

“We lost contact a long time ago, so I wasn't able to.”

I wonder where that brat could be right now.

Not hearing a response from her, Benjamin turned to look at her. “She was only like a little sister to me!”

The man's explanation left little for Arissa to nitpick on.

“I used to have a childhood friend too. An older boy whose company I really enjoyed having while I was little, but we

also haven't been in contact since.”

Benjamin frowned. “Do you still think of him?”

Eyeing the slightly jealous man, Arissa felt gleeful inside.

“Those were fun times, so of course I would!”

One would be bound to remember the delightful days of childhood for life.

Mildly peeved, Benjamin took ahold of her chin and leaned in with the intention of kissing her, but the sight of her

dry and chapped lips caused him to pause.

What a bummer.

Arissa watched in astonishment as he abruptly turned and got off the bed. “Where are you going?”

“To get some cream!”

Unable to find any inside the room, Benjamin had no recourse but to leave the room and head downstairs.

While Arissa lay in bed staring at the delightful chandelier that hung overhead, she could not resist smiling.

She hugged the pillow that belonged to a certain individual while she giggled happily like a lovelorn adolescent.

Seeing the lovely smile on her face when he came in caused heat to enter Benjamin's eyes.

Hastily, Arissa cast his pillow aside and rescinded the soppy grin that hung on her lips, and her eyes darted away in


The corner of Benjamin's lips lifted slightly.

“You may continue to hug my pillow!”

Arissa blushed.

“Would you let me hug you, Graham?”

Like a swirling whirlpool, Benjamin's dark eyes had the irresistible ability to pull one in and leave one without means

of escape.

As the mood grew amorous, Arissa's heartbeat, too, started to fall into disarray.

“You want a hug, huh.”

Permeating the man's husky inflection was a certain element of suggestiveness.

Arissa's cheeks ran hot. When she saw the cream in the man's hand, she took the opportunity to change the

subject. “Are you going to help apply that to me? Then hurry it up and do it!”

She then puckered her lips, oblivious of how alluring that gesture was to the man.

Benjamin forwent the cream and leaned in to kiss her directly.

Once he had tasted her sweetness, he could no longer hold back and proceeded to kiss her even more deeply.

Arissa's heart was racing. She was lost in the moment, her will totally surrendered to the man's passion.

Their necking only grew more fervent, making it harder and harder for them to rein themselves in.

Benjamin, however, was able to get himself under control.

While he took in her flushed cheeks intently, she had yet to recover her composure. Her lips were ruddy from the

blood that seared beneath them.

Her lovely mouth was open as she panted, and the pinkness of her tongue within was made fleetingly visible.

Benjamin's eyes darkened while the flames of arousal burned in them.

His willpower crumbled in an instant. Leaning in to capture her lips once more, he kissed her with more ardor than

he had before.

A lingering sensuality filled the air inside the room for the rest of the night.

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Arissa blushad.

“Would you lat ma hug you, Graham?”

Lika a swirling whirlpool, Banjamin's dark ayas had tha irrasistibla ability to pull ona in and laava ona without maans

of ascapa.

As tha mood graw amorous, Arissa's haartbaat, too, startad to fall into disarray.

“You want a hug, huh.”

Parmaating tha man's husky inflaction was a cartain alamant of suggastivanass.

Arissa's chaaks ran hot. Whan sha saw tha craam in tha man's hand, sha took tha opportunity to changa tha

subjact. “Ara you going to halp apply that to ma? Than hurry it up and do it!”

Sha than puckarad har lips, oblivious of how alluring that gastura was to tha man.

Banjamin forwant tha craam and laanad in to kiss har diractly.

Onca ha had tastad har swaatnass, ha could no longar hold back and procaadad to kiss har avan mora daaply.

Arissa's haart was racing. Sha was lost in tha momant, har will totally surrandarad to tha man's passion.

Thair nacking only graw mora farvant, making it hardar and hardar for tham to rain thamsalvas in.

Banjamin, howavar, was abla to gat himsalf undar control.

Whila ha took in har flushad chaaks intantly, sha had yat to racovar har composura. Har lips wara ruddy from tha

blood that saarad banaath tham.

Har lovaly mouth was opan as sha pantad, and tha pinknass of har tongua within was mada flaatingly visibla.

Banjamin's ayas darkanad whila tha flamas of arousal burnad in tham.

His willpowar crumblad in an instant. Laaning in to captura har lips onca mora, ha kissad har with mora ardor than

ha had bafora.

A lingaring sansuality fillad tha air insida tha room for tha rast of tha night.