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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 428
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Chapter 428

Benjamin winked at Anthony after reading Kyle's message. “You two should chat.”

After saying that, he stood up and walked to the side.

Anthony was going to turn his attention back to his laptop when he saw Benjamin lying down on his


He instantly frowned. “Hey, Benjamin!”

Benjamin arched a brow and asked innocently, “What?”

“That's my bed.”

Benjamin, however, couldn't care less. “What about it?”

“Get. Off. Of. My. Bed!” demanded Anthony.

Benjamin reacted by rolling his eyes. “We've slept on the same bed before, so why are you

complaining about this now?” As he spoke, he continued laying on Anthony's bed, showing no intention

of leaving at all.

“We had no choice back then. But now, you're not allowed to be on my bed,” Anthony insisted.

“I'm just going to lie down for a bit.”

Anthony's frown deepened as he stood up and made his way over. The look on his face made it clear

that he wouldn't stop until Benjamin got off of his bed.

Only then did Benjamin sit up lazily. “Fine, I'll leave.” Subsequently, he hopped off the bed reluctantly

and walked over to the couch before slumping against it.

Anthony smoothed out the bedsheets after that and only stopped when it was spick and span.

Benjamin watched and couldn't help but say, “Your obsessive-compulsive disorder and germaphobia

are getting worse. You should seriously see a doctor.”

Anthony ignored Benjamin.

“We shared the same womb for nine months, and now you're having a problem with sharing your bed

with me?” Benjamin continued ridiculing his brother.

“Why else do you think I was the first to come out of that womb?” Anthony retorted.

Benjamin was speechless.

Fine, I get it. He hates us.

Benjamin glanced at Anthony and sighed. “Denise is right. I feel so sorry for your future girlfriend.”

Anthony turned and glared at Benjamin. “You should worry about yourself instead.”

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“What's there for me to worry about? Unlike you, I'm not a germaphobe, nor do I have obsessive-

compulsive disorder. Besides, I have no intention of getting a girlfriend,” replied Benjamin.

Anthony stilled for a moment when he heard that. He then questioned, “Why? Are you thinking of

getting a boyfriend instead?”

Benjamin was once again at a loss for words. “Must you twist my words like that?”

“Did I? Given your choice of words, it's only natural that I perceive it like that. Don't worry, my dear

brother. I won't discriminate against you, no matter how... unique your taste is,” teased Anthony.

Benjamin said, “That is not what I meant when I said I have no intention of getting a girlfriend. I simply

prefer spending my time more wisely because I find it troublesome to deal with women.”

“That's true. Men are more straightforward compared to women. Hmm, I guess men are indeed easier

to get along with.” Anthony nodded to himself after making that statement.

Words eluded Benjamin.

“You don't have to be shy. Don't worry. As your big brother, I'll have your back no matter what. Oh, right.

If you have trouble telling Daddy and Nat about your sexual orientation, you can always get help from

me. I'm your big brother, so I can put in a good word for you.”

Benjamin was rendered utterly speechless by his brother's sharp tongue.

He just won't quit until he pushed every single one of my buttons.

Benjamin shot daggers at him and said, “Oh, wow, thanks in advance.”

“You're welcome.”

Benjamin rolled his eyes and ignored him completely.

Anthony, however, laughed at Benjamin's reaction. He felt much more comfortable after taking a look at

his tidy bed.

After nodding with satisfaction, he returned to his laptop.

By then, a dozen messages from Kyle had already popped up on the screen. Since Anthony didn't

reply to him earlier, he sent a few more messages.

The messages read: Hey, where are you? Why aren't you responding? Seriously, what is wrong with

you? Hello?

Anthony read the messages and calmly typed a reply: I'm here.

Kyle: Where were you?

Anthony: I had to deal with a pest.

Kyle: Pest... You mean Benjamin?

Anthony: Yep.

Anthony's response reminded Kyle of something, so he typed: Are the two of you together now?

Anthony: Yeah.

Kyle: So are you two actually brothers?

Anthony: Yes.

Kyle: As in biological brothers with the same parents?

Anthony: Are there any other kinds of brothers?

Kyle: You never know. I mean, one of you could be adopted, or maybe you're just maternal or paternal


Anthony: My parents are only children, so I don't have any cousins, only siblings.

Kyle: I thought you were joking about being siblings earlier. In fact, I didn't believe you until I heard

Thalia telling me it was true.

Anthony: If you believe her, why are you asking me about this again?

Kyle: Because it's just too surreal. How can both you and your brother be so incredibly talented?

Anthony: See, this is where your logic is flawed. It's only natural that we are both amazing. After all, we

share the same superior genes, so it's rather impossible for us to not be incredible.

Kyle: Can you at least pretend to be humble?

Anthony: I want to, but alas, I am too awesome for that.

Kyle was utterly speechless on the other end.

He knew Anthony was the kind of person who would become full of himself whenever he was praised.

Thus, he was aware that if they continued talking about that topic, Anthony's nose would've been up

high in the air.

Kyle swiftly changed the topic: Okay, okay. If you're that incredible, can you tell me when you'll return?

Anthony: Well...

Kyle: What's wrong?

Anthony: I need a little more time.

Kyle: Seriously? What are you working on?

Anthony: I'm dealing with some personal stuff.

Kyle: Thalia told me you guys went to Spaunia. What are you boys doing there?

Anthony: Like I said. We're working on some personal and PRIVATE matters.

Kyle: Private matters? What kind of private matters? Do you think I'd respectfully keep my distance just

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because you said that?

Anthony: Have you no shame?

Kyle: Not when it comes to dealing with you. Come on, be honest. Would you have joined Darknetz if I

wasn't shameless back then?

When Kyle first discovered Anthony's talent, he shamelessly forced the kid to join Darknetz. If he hadn't

done that, the two of them might be enemies now instead of friends.

Anthony thought about what Kyle said and realized that the latter was right.

However, he really couldn't tell Kyle about the matters at hand.

After a moment of ponderation, the boy typed: I'll tell you all about it after I settle the issue.

Kyle: Or do you need my help? I'm free now, so I can go to you and assist you.

Anthony: Why do you make it sound like a genuine offer when you really just want to meet me in


Kyle: You can tell?

Anthony: Well, duh!

Kyle got even more curious, so he typed a question: Thalia already met you in person, so why are you

still keeping me in the dark?

Anthony: Because Thalia wants to give you a nice surprise.

Kyle: Thalia? Oh, come on! If it's really her idea, she would've told me already.

He knew Thalia rather well. No matter what ideas she had, she would get bored after some time.

Hence, if it was her idea to give him a surprise, she wouldn't have kept it from him for too long.

Anthony: It doesn't matter whose idea it is. Just give me some more time. I promise that I'll go and

meet you.

Kyle: The more you try to hide it, the more eager I am to meet you. Just you wait. I will fly to Spaunia

tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Anthony: You're kidding, right?

Kyle: Does it look like I'm kidding?

Anthony mulled it over and concluded that Kyle wouldn't have joked about something like that.

He thought about it before opening another chat window and began typing away.

Kyle: Why aren't you responding? Where are you?

Anthony: I'm back.

Kyle: Where were you?

Anthony: I had to deal with something.

At that moment, Benjamin emerged behind his brother. When he saw what his brother did, he couldn't

help saying, “You're evil. Do you really have to do that just to stop him from coming?”