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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 676
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Chapter 676

Anthony texted: I haven't decided. I still need more time to think about it.

Kenneth replied: I'm not going to wait for you.

Anthony: I want to learn to shoot!

Kenneth: Sure, you're in. What about you, Benjamin? He fired the next question and made the

conversation feel like a timed quiz.

Benjamin: I want to visit Mr. Dave's armory once more.

Kenneth: All right, I'll liaise with him on that.

Benjamin: Daddy, I want an answer now!

Kenneth: Okay, okay, I promise to bring you there.

Benjamin replied with an emoji to indicate that he was pleased with the answer.

Kenneth asked: Can you tell me now?

Right then, Denise joined the conversation: I've taken a screenshot of the above messages, and I'll

send it to Nat if you don't include me.

Words eluded Kenneth.

How shrewd is this girl?

Kenneth: Denise, I guess I've spoiled you for all the wrong reasons.

Denise rebutted with another text: Well, Daddy, don't take it personally. Let's not bring familial affection

into the picture and cloud the matter. I've got solid proof.

Kenneth took a deep breath to calm himself down. Judging from the way they prioritize personal gains,

they are certainly my children.

He texted a question: What is it that you want? Say it.

Denise: I want to learn to shoot too.

Kenneth: What good will it do to a girl who learns to shoot?

Denise: Don't be so sexist, Daddy. Girls aren't any weaker than boys, so you must be fair to me.

Kenneth: I'm not judging you or anything. I just thought you could be better off learning something else.

Denise: I can learn other things, but I also want to learn to shoot!

After pondering for a while, Kenneth texted: Okay, you have my blessings to do so. He thought it would

be beneficial for Denise to acquire new knowledge and skills so she could protect herself better,

regardless of her career choice in the future.

Denise: Are you going to teach me personally, Daddy?

Kenneth replied with a question: Of course. Would I abdicate my responsibilities and pass you to

someone else?

With a cute emoji, Denise replied: You're the best, Daddy!

As expected, her trick worked like magic.

Kenneth took a glance at the person next to him and typed another message: Can you tell me what

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happened now?

Anthony: I'll go first. Nat saw the bullet holes in the car.

Kenneth frowned and asked: And then?

Benjamin: Well, Nat didn't ask nor say a word. She just stared at the car for a moment before entering.

Kenneth: What is that supposed to mean? He was completely baffled.

Denise: I know! Nat usually acts like that when she has a tacit understanding of something. It's the

same expression she wears on her face when she finds out about the naughty things the three of us

have done.

Kenneth: So... does that mean she's angry?

Simultaneously, the trio sent their replies in the affirmative.


Benjamin: Yes.

Denise: That's right.

Upon reading all their messages, Kenneth turned around and gazed at Natasha, who was resting

nearby. He felt so lost and helpless.

Moments later, he fixed his eyes on the phone screen and texted: How should I resolve this matter?

Anthony: Are you asking us?

Kenneth: What a stupid question! Who else am I talking to?

Anthony: In this case, don't blame me for being heartless, Daddy. Solutions are plenty, but it depends

on your level of sincerity when you ask for help.

Kenneth: What do you mean?

Anthony: Daddy, did you realize that none of your biological children have ever received any monetary

gift from you?

Benjamin chimed in: Now that you've mentioned it...

Denise: Daddy, just so you know, I'm forced to follow the majority at this point, or else I'll be excluded.

May God bless you, Daddy. Ditto.

Kenneth was rendered speechless.

These three munchkins are blackmailing me, aren't they?

Kenneth: I'm happy to gift you all something, but I have a credit limit. At most, it's a million per person.

Are you okay with that amount?

Anthony was the first to reply with his banking details. He texted: Daddy, this is my account number in


Benjamin sent his banking details too. He wrote: Anthony, you're putting Daddy on the spot, aren't you?

Fine. Since you've got the ball rolling, it won't be appropriate for Daddy to be unfair.

Needless to say, Denise followed suit and did exactly the same.

Left without a choice, Kenneth tapped the application on his phone and transferred the money to his


Shortly after, the trio received a notification that a million had been credited to each of their accounts.

Upon reading the transaction notification, the children shared a look and arched their brows.

Kenneth: I can only transfer that much for now. Anything beyond that amount will require me to make a

personal phone call to the bank. Do you want me to wake Nat up?

Anthony had wanted to ask for more money, but he gave up after reading what Kenneth wrote. Since

the triplets were afraid to wake Natasha up, they let the matter slide.

Anthony: Okay, forget it, then. Considering the fact that you're my daddy, I'll let you go this time.

Kenneth fell silent.

What did you guys do to me just now?

Anthony changed the topic and texted: Anyway, let me share a way to resolve this issue. I rarely upset

Nat, so if I show her my puppy-dog eyes, coupled with a pitiful expression, I can basically appease her


Kenneth: That's all?

Anthony: It's a practical move that never fails me.

Kenneth was dumbfounded.

Benjamin: I seldom upset Nat. When I do, I apologize to her sincerely. Nat always says she won't be

mad at us if we admit our faults.

Kenneth kept quiet as he followed the conversations.

Denise: I, on the other hand, make Nat blow her top all the time. However, she will forgive me

whenever I squirm into her arms and say sorry in an ingratiating manner.

Kenneth felt so helpless after reading their messages.

Are these three kids trying to prank me?

He texted: Which of the methods mentioned should I use?

Anthony: Any one of them! Daddy, you can go with either one you like.

Benjamin: That's right, Daddy. There are three solutions shared by the three of us. There's no problem

if you want to try them all.

Denise: Actually, I have one more idea for you, Daddy. I think it goes well with your pragmatic


Kenneth scrunched his brows and replied: Enlighten me.

Denise: Have you tried being aggressive?

Kenneth's jaw dropped. What has she been learning all this while?

Denise continued: Let me explain it briefly to you. If you could show your dominant side and pin her

against the wall, the issue at hand could be resolved with ease.

It was the first time Kenneth had heard a suggestion as such.

He asked: Where did you get the idea from?

Denise replied: It's from the drama I watched. Typically, the female lead is always very hard to please

when she gets angry. No matter how the male lead coaxes her, his effort is all in vain. Yet, the great

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move of pinning the girl against the wall will always work wonders.

Judging from the interactions between Mommy and Daddy, they are more than qualified to star in a

romantic drama. If a similar situation were to happen in real life, it would be worth the watch and

probably more exciting than a melodrama.

Anthony: Okoy, forget it, then. Considering the foct thot you're my doddy, I'll let you go this time.

Kenneth fell silent.

Whot did you guys do to me just now?

Anthony chonged the topic ond texted: Anywoy, let me shore o woy to resolve this issue. I rorely upset

Not, so if I show her my puppy-dog eyes, coupled with o pitiful expression, I con bosicolly oppeose her


Kenneth: Thot's oll?

Anthony: It's o procticol move thot never foils me.

Kenneth wos dumbfounded.

Benjomin: I seldom upset Not. When I do, I opologize to her sincerely. Not olwoys soys she won't be

mod ot us if we odmit our foults.

Kenneth kept quiet os he followed the conversotions.

Denise: I, on the other hond, moke Not blow her top oll the time. However, she will forgive me

whenever I squirm into her orms ond soy sorry in on ingrotioting monner.

Kenneth felt so helpless ofter reoding their messoges.

Are these three kids trying to pronk me?

He texted: Which of the methods mentioned should I use?

Anthony: Any one of them! Doddy, you con go with either one you like.

Benjomin: Thot's right, Doddy. There ore three solutions shored by the three of us. There's no problem

if you wont to try them oll.

Denise: Actuolly, I hove one more ideo for you, Doddy. I think it goes well with your progmotic


Kenneth scrunched his brows ond replied: Enlighten me.

Denise: Hove you tried being oggressive?

Kenneth's jow dropped. Whot hos she been leorning oll this while?

Denise continued: Let me exploin it briefly to you. If you could show your dominont side ond pin her

ogoinst the woll, the issue ot hond could be resolved with eose.

It wos the first time Kenneth hod heord o suggestion os such.

He osked: Where did you get the ideo from?

Denise replied: It's from the dromo I wotched. Typicolly, the femole leod is olwoys very hord to pleose

when she gets ongry. No motter how the mole leod cooxes her, his effort is oll in voin. Yet, the greot

move of pinning the girl ogoinst the woll will olwoys work wonders.

Judging from the interoctions between Mommy ond Doddy, they ore more thon quolified to stor in o

romontic dromo. If o similor situotion were to hoppen in reol life, it would be worth the wotch ond

probobly more exciting thon o melodromo.